Entries from 2016-05-01 to 1 month

Think With Your Head

Think with Your Head - You do need to learn from the best but this doesn't mean you should follow advice from SEO gurus blindly. Even if they are not trying to mislead you (because unfortunately I've caught some famous SEOers trying to do …

You Learn As Long As You Live

You Learn As Long As You Live - This applies to many areas of life but it is especially true with SEO where things change pretty fast. If you want to stay afloat, you will need to always learn new and/or better ways to do old stuff. Learn …

Diversify Your SEO Tactics

Diversify Your SEO Tactics - Keywords in strategic places and quality backlinks are the centerpiece of SEO but there are many other tactics as well. Even if you see results from your present SEO tactics, always try to diversify. For instan…

Do Worry About High Bounce Rates

Do Worry about High Bounce Rates - Bounce rates are not directly related to SEO but when users leave your site shortly after they have landed, this is a symptom they don't find what they want. These are lost sales and they are costing you …

Niche Sites Are Champions

Niche Sites Are Champions - Long gone are the days when you could launch a 20 page niche site and make hundreds of dollars a month from it but still niche sites do much better than general interest sites. So, if you have 10 niches you want…

You Can Not Get Good Rankings For A Product OR Service That Is Not Good

You Can't Get Good Rankings for a Product/Service that Is Not Good - SEO isn't witchcraft and even with black hat techniques (that are to be avoided for sure), you can't push a product/service that is not good - or at least these good rank…

A Decade In SEO Has Taught Me By These 35 Lessons

There Are Clients You'd Better Not Work with - It isn't only SEO where you can find toxic clients but in SEO with its unpredictable nature such clients are even a bigger nightmare. Clients who are not familiar with the specifics of SEO and…

35 Lessons A Decade In SEO Has Taught Me

It seems like yesterday when I first started with SEO but actually I already made a whole decade in it. A decade is a pretty long period of time and even though things change, there are some lessons I've learned that pass the test of time.…

Key Indicators Your SEO Is Bringing Results

Now, after you have clarified with your client what can and can't be expected trafficwise, here are some indicators that show you are (or aren't) on the right track. Increased Number of Unique Keywords - You can also report the number of u…

Always Keep Your Client Up To Date With Your Progress

On the other hand, if the client has an idea about SEO, you could coordinate the tasks you plan to do in advance. This also helps him or her keep track of what's going on with the project. If the client has no idea about SEO, then it's tri…

Explain To Your Client What Traffic Is Realistic To Expect

Another issue you need to clarify with your client before you go to the indicators of SEO success or failure is what traffic is realistic to expect and when. Your client might dream that after spending $100 on tons of low quality backlinks…

How To Convince Your Client That Your SEO Efforts Will Bring Traffic

Business is about results and this is why it's quite natural if your client wants results and increase in traffic as one of the physical dimensions of SEO improvement. However, unlike many other areas where you can show a deliverable or so…

Be Active On Social Media

Be Active on Social Media - Social media also give you a lot of exposure, so explore them, especially the SEO channels and/or niche channels on them. While Facebook and Twitter do work, the best place is LinkedIn because it is a business-o…

Get As Much Free Publicity As You Can

Get as much free publicity as you can - free publicity is not a direct shot at clients but it helps to build your reputation, which in turn helps a lot to convince clients you are their person. The opportunities for free publicity are nume…

Partner With A Web Designer/Developer

A tactic that can bring you really a lot of clients is to develop a partnership with a Web designer/Web developer. They can send you clients directly and you can do the same with your clients, who need a new design/coding for their site. A…

Acquire SEO Customers New Ways

Get Referred and Recommended - After you have made sure you do need new clients, lets see how to find them. The first tactic is to get referred and recommended. You can ask friends and acquaintances to do it but your best referrals are you…

How To Acquire SEO Customers

You might be a SEO genius but if you are doing SEO for a living and you don’t know how to acquire clients, not only nobody will appreciate yourskills but you will soon find yourself starving. In order to avoid this, here are some tactics y…

Compare Yourself To The Competition

Finally, the last step in the SEO audit process is to see how you fare compared to your competitors. This is also a time-consuming step, especially if you have lots of competitors but you shouldn't skip it. To learn how to analyze your com…

Analyze Off Page Ranking Factors

Number and Quality of Backlinks - The number and quality of backlinks is very, very important. This is why, when you are performing a SEO audit, you should check these: Do your backlinks come from reputable sites in your niche? Do you have…